A multi-scale photochemical modeling system for gas and particulate air pollution

The Comprehensive Air quallty Model with extensions (CAMx) is a state-of-the-science photochemical grid model that comprises a “one-atmosphere” treatment of tropospheric air pollution over spatial scales ranging from neighborhoods to continents. It is an open-source system that is computationally efficient, flexible, and available at zero cost.

With CAMx, you can: simulate air quality over many geographic scales; analyze a variety of inert and chemically active pollutants - photochemical gases, particulates, and toxics; conduct source attribution, sensitivity, and process analyses; apply distributed- and shared-memory parallelization.

Since 1996, CAMx has been employed extensively by local, state/provincial, regional, and federal government agencies, academic and research institutions, and private consultants for regulatory assessments and scientific research throughout the world. CAMx has been used in more than 20 countries on nearly every continent.

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