
Partnering with clients to deliver on business goals in line with ambitions for a low-carbon future.

Closer to clients with more sustainable impacts

Businesses face many pressures. They have to generate more revenue, increase profit, and keep investors, customers, and stakeholders satisfied. All this while under increasing regulatory requirements and competition.

Ramboll helps clients to navigate a path towards a more sustainable future, in line with their business goals and in keeping with global ambitions for climate and nature. We embed sustainable and innovative approaches across clients’ value chains, helping engender long-term change in the way clients operate with environmental, social, and governance parameters. Furthermore, we focus on understanding the needs of each client and work hard to deliver to a high quality and on schedule.

Reinforce sustainability in tough times

In line with our strategy, we are increasingly partnering with clients who have clear sustainability ambitions and a genuine desire to transition to circular and less resource intensive business models. We focus on tackling ambitious projects and client briefs where there is significant potential to contribute with positive sustainability impacts. This is important at a time when macroeconomic factors, such as overstretched supply chains, high energy prices, and a global shortage of labour put pressure on investment cases and dampen the sustainability transition.

Our response is to reinforce circular and low-carbon approaches in the projects, expertise and solutions we bring to clients, helping support long-term positive outcomes for our clients.Broadly, our clients agree, pointing at energy efficiency, resource management, and the green transition as topics at the top of their sustainability agenda.

Sustainability topics


*Data based on responses to multiple choice questions from Ramboll Client Loyalty Survey 2022 and Project Satisfaction survey 2022. The Client Loyalty Survey is a quantitative survey targeting business-relevant clients to identify client satisfaction, client loyalty (NPS), client experience and perception of Ramboll and commercial insights driving our clients’ business. The scores are based on a scale from 1 = low to 5 = high. In addition the survey contains several multiple choice questions for respondents to select what is most suitable for them. The survey also contains questions requesting the respondent to provide a qualitative statement or comment.

Clients want more sustainability impact

IIn our 2022 annual Client Loyalty Survey and Project Satisfaction Survey, we asked clients how relevant sustainability is to their business.

Across our client base, clients state that sustainability is significant to achieve their business goals. The vast majority of respondents ranked sustainability among the highest factors of importance to their business.

Nearly three-quarters said they had a dialogue with Ramboll about sustainability, and provided high scores on this aspect of their relationship with the company.

Satisfied clients

The surveys also reflect clients’ readiness to work with Ramboll, based on parameters such as our approach to clients, understanding the client’s industry and end markets, specific steps taken to solve problems, and ability to deliver value-adding insights.

According to the results of the Client Loyalty Survey and Project Satisfaction Survey in 2022, sustainability is, in addition to factors such as quality of work and ability to deliver on schedule, emerging as an important parameter for client satisfaction. Clients appreciate how we challenge the project brief to deliver unique outcomes, as well as our dialogues that help drive action on their wider business ambitions.

Our advice to clients on sustainability is typically about: Helping them meet requirements in their production processes and products, streamlining sustainability into commercial operations, demonstrating potential sustainability impacts on their business, and providing key insights on sustainability.

Project satisfaction survey


Clients appreciate how we challenge the project brief to deliver unique outcomes, and – through close dialogue –drive action on their wider business ambitions.

Our advice to clients on sustainability is typically about: Helping them meet requirements in their production processes and products; streamlining sustainability into commercial operations; demonstrating potential sustainability impacts on their business; and providing key insights on sustainability.

Further, clients continue to be interested in areas such as decarbonising energy systems and the built environment, climate resilience, nature-positive impacts, and operationalising frameworks for sustainable activities including the EU taxonomy and science-based net zero.

The surveys are updated every year and feedback is gathered systematically from a large pool of respondents, measuring for satisfaction, loyalty, and reputation, among others.

: 4.5

out of 5.

2022 client project satisfaction score (including sustainability criteria)

Strengthening strategic innovation

According to our surveys, clients also indicate that they are ready to co-create more with Ramboll on the innovation agenda. About two-thirds say Ramboll provides innovative advice and solutions to their needs and challenges, and that their organisation benefited from Ramboll’s innovative approach.

To strengthen our innovation muscle, we have established an internal Innovation Fund to accelerate the commercialisation of ambitious innovation projects with transformational potential for Ramboll. Our aim is to grow and scale transformative new capabilities to solve client challenges across Ramboll’s Markets.

Projects funded in 2022 are delivering and testing new services that harness our existing competences and data in new ways. This includes for clients managing contaminated land, adapting to coastal flooding, responding to harmful algal blooms, and lowering embodied carbon in urban development plans.

The Innovation Fund helps us accelerate co-creation and our thought leadership agenda by advancing projects that enhance our offerings in tangible ways, such as by embedding sustainability metrics in our designs, improving our digital capabilities with transformational artificial intelligence offerings, and delivering new services to monitor and improve biodiversity. We are committed to co-creating new solutions with all of our largest clients in the coming years.

Our com­mit­ments

Financial and Sustainability reporting

    Financial reporting

    Download the financial reporting from the Annual Report of Ramboll Group A/S.


    Sustainability reporting

    Download the sustainability reporting from the Annual Report of Ramboll Group A/S.


Download the Ramboll Annual Report 2022

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