Our professionals in Italy provide technical, scientific and regulatory expertise in environmental sciences and engineering, energy, climate change, health and safety, helping clients overcome challenging environmental, health and social issues.
Ramboll Environment & Health
Via Mentore Maggini, 50
00143 Rome
Italy+39 06 4521440
Ramboll Environment & Health
Viale Edoardo Jenner 53
20159 Milan
Italy+39 02 0063091
English | Italiano
One of the world’s leading environmental and health consultancies, we help clients understand and manage the impacts of their activities and products, so that they can respond with sound strategies for operating sustainably.
We work on ground-breaking projects with industrial, manufacturing, legal, real estate, financial and infrastructure sector clients in Italy, supporting energy transition and circular economy initiatives.
Learn more about working at Ramboll in Italy. Search vacancies.
Whistleblowing Reports
Ramboll Italy, through the reporting channels of the Ramboll Group, allows all its employees, collaborators, consultants and other stakeholders to report facts or circumstances useful to ascertain the possible commission of violations falling within the objective scope of Legislative Decree no. 24/2023.
The violations may consist in unlawful conduct relevant under Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, the 231 Model, the Code of Ethics, internal regulations, as well as European regulations as set out in Legislative Decree no. 24/2023.
We recommend that you read the ‘Whistleblowing Policy’
Our People
Andrea Campioni
Country Market Director
+39 06 4521440
Emiliano Micalizio
Principal and Operation Manager
+39 06 4521440
Daniele Paolo Susanni
Principal and Operation Manager
+39 02 0063091