Ralph Morris

Ralph Morris

Managing Principal

+1 415-899-0708

Novato CA

Ralph Morris is the Managing Principal at Ramboll’s Novato, California, office, where he directs air quality modeling and analysis, emission inventory development, control strategy development and evaluation, and regulatory air issues projects. With over 30 years of air quality experience, Ralph is one of the original developers of many of the photochemical air quality models being used for regulatory decision making in the US, including Ramboll’s Comprehensive Air Quality Model with extensions (CAMx), UAM and UAM-V. He directed the application of regional particulate matter (PM), ozone and visibility modeling using CMAQ and CAMx for the southeastern (VISTA/ASIP), western (WRAP) and central (CENRAP) US Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs), in the development of regional haze State Implementation Plans (SIPs). He is leading the application of the CMAQ and CAMx models to address several ozone and PM2.5 SIPs as well as to address ozone, other air quality and air quality-related value (AQRV) issues associated with oil and gas development projects. Ralph was an original member of USEPA’s ozone guidance workgroup and the CMAS Models-3/CMAQ External Advisory Committee (EAC).