Makassar Liveable City Plan

Providing Makassar with a data-driven approach to enhance the city’s liveability and foster smart urban development over the next two decades.
Makassar is a significant maritime gateway and economic hub for Indonesia's South Sulawesi region.
Makassar is a significant maritime gateway and economic hub for Indonesia's South Sulawesi region. Credit: Arief Hidayat on Unsplash.

The ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund (AASCTF) in collaboration with the Makassar City Government has developed a set of potential smart city interventions to address the city’s needs and challenges and improve liveability. Leveraging Ramboll’s expert analysis, the Makassar Liveable City Plan (MLCP) is a comprehensive suite of strategies, assessments, and potential interventions that can be used to integrate Makassar’s existing spatial plans under an umbrella framework focused on smart growth, enhance future city planning processes, and serve as a strategic framework for smart urban development and a road map for smart city and liveability investment priorities in Makassar.

Makassar City is a thriving, highly urbanised trading hub and Indonesia’s fifth largest city as the capital of South Sulawesi situated in the Makassar Strait. Over the next 20 years, the city’s population is expected to grow to two million people. With this increasing population and rapid urbanisation comes certain challenges across various sectors. This includes managing issues and opportunities associated with climate change, and aligning economic growth and liveability, particularly to promote tourism, economic diversity and investment attraction.

Ramboll is helping to implement the potential smart city interventions identified in the MLCP that seek to address these cross-sectoral challenges.

Data-driven digital urban development

Makassar City aims to be at the forefront of smart cities in Indonesia. To support the city’s vision, the MLCP is providing a data-driven approach to enhance the city’s liveability to foster smart urban development over the next two decades.

The MLCP is built upon the findings of a detailed multisectoral Urban Situation Assessment, which identified challenges and needs in Makassar, and an Urban Development Scenario analysis that reviewed population and land use projections. It also provides a road map for potential next steps and opportunities for continuing the work of the MLCP. This includes supporting the city to prioritise, develop, implement and maintain smart city interventions, as well as actions and measures to adopt digital technologies and enhance institutional effectiveness.

An interactive online portal provides access to data, multi-disciplinary assessments, and recommendations, along with a suite of digital tools to support local evidence-based decision-making. The MLCP aims to support Makassar in enabling a data-driven response that enhances inter-agency collaboration and integration, and prioritises investments for the purpose of implementing intelligent interventions to help realise the city’s ambitious development plan to enhance its public services and support sustainable growth.

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

The MLCP contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 8 Decent work and economic growth, 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11 Sustainable cities and communities, and 13 Climate action.

The AASCTF assists ASEAN cities in enhancing their planning systems, service delivery, and financial management by developing and testing appropriate digital urban solutions and systems. By working with cities, AASCTF facilitates their transformation to become more liveable, resilient, and inclusive, while in the process identifying scalable best and next practices to be replicated across cities in Asia and the Pacific. The Trust Fund is supported by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, managed by the Asian Development Bank, and implemented by Ramboll.

Want to know more?

  • Antony Gibson

    Senior Project Director

    +61 435 876 264

    Antony Gibson