Construction management

We help clients with project and construction management, supervision, quality control and stakeholder interaction to ensure the best possible result.

Ramboll’s project and construction experts are multi-skilled professionals

We are a leading provider of project and construction management services to building, civil engineering, infrastructure, transport, and other projects. Our consulting engineers manage all project and construction activities — including planning, co-ordination, control, and supervision — from inception to completion. We are committed to fulfilling our client’s needs and delivering functional and cost-effective results.

Ramboll is proficient in all areas of project and construction management including project development, planning, programming, design management, contract management, procurement and purchasing, site supervision as well as quality control and assurance.

Our wide-ranging and continuing involvement with large domestic and international real estate and infrastructure projects gives us extensive experience in managing the interactions between the many different stakeholders within each project. Our team provides a single point of contact for all parties.

Our experts use the latest tools to help monitor, oversee, and report on all stages, enabling changes to be managed throughout the project’s lifecycle.

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  • Valtter Kari

    Valtter Kari

    Senior Director

    +358 40 7408370