Niki Bey
8 June 2021
Climate Clarity: Understanding the difference between Net-Zero, Carbon Neutrality, and Science-based Targets
With more companies making climate commitments, it is getting harder to tell the difference and evaluate the leaders from the laggards. This article explores key terminology and helps you gain clarity on climate commitments like Net-Zero, Carbon Neutrality and Science-Based Targets.
- The European Union aims to be ‘climate neutral’ by 2050 and have a ‘net-zero’ economy
- The UK has set a ‘net zero’ target by 2050
- Many large multinational companies such as Microsoft, Ørsted, Vestas, Walmart, and Siemens have committed to ‘science-based abatement targets which are consistent with reductions required to keep the world warming up to 1.5°C
- 73 asset managers across the globe have signed an international agreement to commit to ‘net zero’ GHG emissions by 2050
- 31 companies have signed the Amazon-led Climate Pledge, committing to become ‘carbon-neutral’ by 2040
- Scope 1 emissions originate from the activities owned by the company, e.g. transportation, fuel combustion in production.
- Scope 2 emissions originate from the production of electricity, heat and steam purchased by the company.
- Scope 3 emissions include all other emissions originating from activities in the company’s value chain, e.g. emissions to produce raw materials, to use and to dispose of the company’s products.
Key greenhouse gases
- : CH4
- : N2O
Nitrous oxide
- : CO2
Carbon Dioxide
- : CFC
- Setting emissions reduction targets including all significant GHG emissions originating from your activities,
- Identifying where the largest emission reduction potential lies in your value chain, e.g. including Scope 3 activities, and include these emission sources in your target,
- Planning and implementing emissions abatement measures in accordance with available decarbonization pathways in your value chain (e.g. using the SBTi methods),
- Investing in compensation and neutralisation measures with a high degree of validity, as this provides crucial financial support for realising the global climate agenda.
Want to know more?
Niki Bey
Senior Manager
+45 51 61 10 10