ESG services

We provide strategic and technical environmental, social, and governance (ESG) solutions to manage risks, capture opportunities and future-proof businesses.

two people talking at  square at Bohrs Tower and Carslberg Station, bike passing by

Guiding investments into the low-carbon and circular transition

We have extensive experience supporting clients on complex ESG-related issues.

Our expertise spans the full investment cycle from fund definition and establishment to due diligence, portfolio company operations and to exit.

The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, and we update our guidance to keep track with requirements such as the new Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), EU Taxonomy, and the Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures, among others.

At fund and investor level, we guide our clients on strategic ESG impact investment and the impact of technological choices and commercial considerations, rooted in transparent methodologies to measure ESG impact.

Multidisciplinary expertise

We develop ESG impact strategies and drive sustainable change via a unique combination of environmental, climate, social sustainable finance, and regulatory expertise.

We draw on this expertise to guide our clients throughout pre-investment and transaction cycles. This includes developing ESG guidelines and criteria for investment managers, integrated ESG due diligence (buy and sell sides) and Taxonomy assessments of target assets and companies.

We also create integrated ESG strategies, action plans and reporting tools to create real financial value.

Download our SFDR Guide

Fea­tured In­sights

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Fea­tured In­sights

Does impact investing guarantee ESG performance?

Capital is increasingly being directed into impact investing, including into renewable energy projects. We investigate if these impact investments can automatically be considered good investments from an ESG standpoint and highlight some particular issues for investors in solar power.

Germany, the world’s 4th largest economy and arguably an economic leader in the EU, is taking a lead in global supply chain legislation by introducing its new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. Other countries and not least the EU are introducing similar legislation and companies must prepare for the impacts it will have on them.

Solar panels farm between agriculture fields in aerial view.
Crossing the Makurungwe River in Rwanda can be a dangerous undertaking. But something members of the Gashyushya community must do to get to the market, school or hospital. The river frequently floods for days at a time, causing injuries and death for people who attempt to cross. Five Ramboll engineers helped to change that.
Offshore wind turbines at Øresund
Managing natural assets is key to sustainable development. We are all responsible to restore the imbalance between nature and human activity. Galago helps landowners reach their goals.

Re­lated pro­jects

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Our people

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  • Patrick Moloney

    Patrick Moloney

    Director, Strategic Sustainability Consulting

    +45 51 61 66 46

  • Alan Kao

    Alan Kao


    +1 617-946-6113

  • Nick Howard

    Nick Howard

    Global Service Line Director for CST

    +44 7703 190197