Design of Bahrain Airport telecom tower

Aesthetic telecom infrastructure at the Bahrain International Airport. Although it looks like an impressive and artistic architectural monument, the telecom tower ensures a reliable network connection for the authorities and thousands of airport commuters every day.
Bahrain International Airport

Deploying telecommunication infrastructure at residential, commercial, and communal zones is challenging since the second generation of mobile networks (2G). Since the fourth generation (4G) of broad band cellular networks, the telecommunication industry is shifting towards smart and aesthetic solutions that avoid unsightly towers.

In the Kingdom of Bahrain, Ramboll has been appointed to camouflage the telecom Bahrain International Airport tower. The camouflage project requirements included matching the surroundings aesthetically and providing a seamless network connection.

The selected design was developed by Ramboll in accordance with the climate and architecture of the Bahrain International Airport. With a sleek, simplistic, yet multifunctional design, the tower is made of fiberglass-reinforced polymer cladding from handmade moulds and hand casting profiles. The cladding was installed over a steel structure also designed by Ramboll.

Camouflaging solutions

Each place has unique aesthetic requirements depending on its local history, culture, architecture, nature, and values. Generally, our camouflaging solutions include designs like towers and smart poles, as well as palm and coconut trees to aesthetically blend with the surroundings. Ramboll has designed customised smart city solutions to enhance local streets and landscapes.