Scott Shock

Scott Shock



+1 206-336-1668

Seattle WA

Scott Shock has over 25 years of experience in the assessment and management of environmental and product risks and liabilities for a variety of industry sectors, including resource extraction, manufacturing, utilities and insurance. His expertise includes quantification of environmental liabilities, chemical transport and fate analysis, and evaluation of remedial response actions and costs under CERCLA, RCRA and state equivalents in due diligence, cost recovery, cost allocation and insurance claims matters. Scott employs a variety of cost-benefit, economic and uncertainty analysis methods to facilitate rigorous and defensible environmental risk and liability management decisions. Scott has provided design, costing, implementation, monitoring, and regulatory closure of remedial actions. He applies this experience to remediation performance evaluation, remediation failure analysis, liability quantification, assessment of the appropriateness of past and prospective future remedial actions and costs, and evaluation of the consistency of response actions with the National Contingency Plan (NCP). In addition, Scott’s expertise includes chemical transport and fate and environmental forensics analyses, risk assessment and risk management, and transactional due diligence involving a variety of contaminant types, including metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including chlorinated solvents. He has assessed environmental impacts and exposure risks at a wide variety of sites including mines and mills, manufactured gas plants (MGPs), coal ash sites, industrial and brownfields sites, waterways, and environmental media including soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, soil vapor, air and biota.