Air quality management
Applying cutting-edge science and methodologies to tailor-make solutions for facility, local, and regional air quality issues.
Our worldwide practice is characterised by the highest level of technical and scientific skills, informed by the specific needs of our clients.
Ramboll’s air quality work is characterised by:
- Unique regional modelling capabilities, with worldwide experience
- Consulting expertise across industries including oil and gas, automotive, glass, steel, mining, ports, transportation, agricultural, and waste management
- Expertise with numerous air quality models including CAMx and CalEEMod (which we have developed and applied in the field), CMAQ, AERMOD, ADMS, CALPUFF, SCICHEM, AUSTAL, and GRAL
- Integrated risk management for air quality decision making informed by sophisticated toxicological expertise
- Innovative sensor-based measurement solutions for highly spatially and temporally resolved air quality information
We offer clients:
- Air quality compliance and permitting
- Air toxics health risk assessment
- Ambient air emissions monitoring programmes
- Risk management planning and emergency release analysis
- Regional planning services
- Expert services
- Carbon emissions trading and footprinting
- Indoor air quality services
- Noise and acoustics services
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Michael Keinath
+1 415-796-1934
Frédéric Pradelle
+33 6 46 14 00 64