
More than half of our time is spent in our homes. The creation of healthy environments for residents, efficient delivery for developers, and the design of low-carbon structures are all vital for creating the residential buildings of the future.

We combine offsite manufacturing with digital solutions that address the industry skills shortages, increase productivity, and enable more rapid, cost-effective, and sustainable construction.

Our residential building designs are always determined by the specific context. We believe that the best solutions are based on the qualities of the individual site and the demands of the future residents. When combining the residents' wishes, and knowledge of a site with Ramboll's interdisciplinary approach, we can create attractive homes that are fit for the future.

We design homes centred around human needs by combining the urban and landscape environment in a way that makes a positive contribution to local communities and individual well-being. Whether it is private or public housing, new construction or renovation, we look at the different opportunities and the potential. We understand that resident involvement is crucial for creating holistic solutions that meet user needs and secure the long-term future of the building.

Our team of residential sector experts assist clients through every step of the design process from outline planning to final delivery. They work in partnership with architects across a wide variety of building types and tenures, from high-rise buildings to modular houses, including private, social, affordable, student and build-to-rent accommodation.

Ex­plore our re­lated ser­vices

What we offer

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    We support our clients construct high-quality buildings quickly, safely, and with less impact on the surrounding environment. Throughout the last 60 years, we have designed some of the most visionary, sustainable and award-winning buildings that improve life for users and contribute to the surroundings.

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    Ramboll is at the forefront of offsite construction techniques. It is not unusual for modular designed buildings to take 10% less time to erect than those constructed using conventional techniques. Our designers are industry-leading experts across a range of construction types including precast concrete, timber, volumetric steel, and panelised systems.

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    By applying digital design techniques, we take our clients and their projects further and faster. We work in close partnership with architects to rapidly generate building options whilst simultaneously undertaking early engineering analysis to qualify cost, carbon footprint, and buildability.

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    Ramboll is a technical partner for the entire building life cycle; from delivery through to operational expenditure and maintenance, capital expenditure upgrades or demolition phase – whole life engineering.

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    The construction industry is one of the main contributors to climate change and new build consumes 40% of raw materials globally. By extending the life of existing buildings, we can save up to 70% more embodied carbon than new builds, and the sensitive retrofit of façade and MEP systems allows us to meet increasingly stringent operational energy targets.

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    Our multi-disciplinary building optimisation services for existing buildings unlock their potential to meet changing user demands, extend the service life of a building, or improve the environmental performance.

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    We are dedicated to taking a leading role in sharing best practices and creating value for clients by delivering solutions that are environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable.

En­gage with us

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  • Søren Brøndum

    Søren Brøndum

    Managing Director, Ramboll Buildings

    +45 5161 1000