World of Volvo: A timber renaissance

Giving form to the Swedish spirit, this iconic car brand's world-class experience centre combines cutting-edge methods with the Nordic tradition of timber designs. The centre unites Volvo Group and Volvo Cars to share the history, tradition, and future of the brand in one nature-integrated place.

Volvo Cars, Volvo Group


Gothenburg, Sweden

Avarn, Andersson & Hultmark, BRA Group, Brion Ventilation AB, Cedås Akustik AB, Confire, Fredblad, Vinergi, Inhouse tech, Lindner Scandinavia, Prefab syd, Wiehag

Enter the World of Volvo

Right to nature

Designed around the Swedish concept of Allemansrätten or "the right of public access," the World of Volvo invites everyone to roam free and explore the surrounding nature without disturbing or destroying it. This right is part of the Swedish ethos and lives in its citizens, businesses, and organisations – Volvo included.
Designed around the Swedish concept of Allemansrätten or "the right of public access," the World of Volvo invites everyone to roam free and explore the surrounding nature without disturbing or destroying it. This right is part of the Swedish ethos and lives in its citizens, businesses, and organisat.....
Carbon capture: the wonderful world of wood

The built environment generates nearly 50% of annual global CO2 emissions. In comparison to traditional concrete or steel, timber is increasingly used for its ability to reduce the carbon footprint of building materials, also known as embodied carbon. Timber can also act as a carbon sink, as it stores carbon dioxide and prevents its release into the atmosphere. To further carbon sequestration, sustainable forestry practices can ensure felled trees are replaced and growing trees continue to absorb carbon dioxide.

World of Volvo in numbers

  • : 22000

    square metre development.

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  • Signe Kongebro

    Signe Kongebro

    Global Design Director, Urbanism – Henning Larsen

    +45 27 15 02 68

  • Martin Stenberg Ringnér

    Martin Stenberg Ringnér

    Associate Design Director, Architect MAA, Henning Larsen

    +45 60 35 21 28