Webinar recording about heat extraction
How do you turn excess heat from data centres into profit? And how do you optimize the collaboration between data centres and utilities?
Watch the recap of our webinar about heat extraction. There is considerable pressure on data centers from politicians and citizens to turn their residual heat into district heating. But is heat extraction an golden egg for data centres or a black hole?
You will learn:
- How to get cheaper cooling
- How to optimise the collaboration between data centres and utilities?
- How did Ramboll design of the world’s largest data centre heat extraction solution?
- What are the technical requirements for heat extraction?
- Henrik Hansen, CEO, Danish Data Center Industry
- Anna Ekdahl, Business Manager, Energy Transition, Rambøll
- Jesper Koch, Director, Dansk Fjernvarme
- Anders Frich Mathiesen, Datacenter Operations Director, GlobalConnect
Content and time codes:
03:00 - 08:30 Perspectives from the data center industry [Danish Data Center Industry] 08:30 - 20:00 Perspectives from the district heating sector [Danish District heating association] 20:00 - 30:30 How to successfully realize heat recovery projects [Ramboll] 30:30 - 37:20 Global Connect heat extraction case [Global Connect] 37:20-72:00 FAQ with the panel
Recording of Webinar about heat extraction
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John Ammentorp
Vice Director, Power Systems
+45 51 61 63 80
Anna Ekdahl
Director, Energy Intensive Industries
+45 51 61 37 41