Ursula Smolka, Ulf Tyge Tygesen
March 12, 2019
True digital twins
Offshore structures such as platforms and wind turbines are billion-dollar investments. With True Digital Twins, operation and maintenance costs can be reduced and decisions on whether to extend their lifetime can be based on a genuine understanding of the structures. This is intelligent asset management.
In the North Sea between the United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, more than 600 offshore structures have exceeded or will soon exceed their original design lifetime. The industry is facing extensive investments to upgrade or reinforce the existing infrastructure in order to maintain the present oil and gas production in the future.
In the less mature offshore wind industry, wind farm operators are facing different challenges. They must ensure that the structures they have designed have sufficient strength to carry the loads of waves, wind, soil conditions and other environmental factors in the harsh offshore environment so that they can continue safe and reliable operation at as low cost as possible throughout the design lifetime or even longer.
To address these challenges, Ramboll has developed a so-called True Digital Twin, which is a digital model continuously monitoring how the structure is doing and updated with real time information about the loads affecting the structure. Now, this experience from the oil & gas sector is also introduced in the offshore wind industry.
Lorena Tremps, who is now leading Ramboll's Offshore Wind business in Iberia, but before was Scottish Power/Iberdrola’s project manager of the industry-driven EU-backed initiative called ROMEO, which aims at reducing the operation and maintenance costs of offshore wind power, says:
“The main challenge of offshore wind operators is to deal with massive amounts of information from the assets that are in operation. The benefits that digital twin can provide are very clear to us. Firstly, improve our understanding of our offshore wind assets, lowering the costs of operation & maintenance, and ultimately exploit the opportunities for lifetime extension. The digital twin developed for ROMEO is going to put Ramboll and Iberdrola in the forefront of innovation when it comes to asset and integrity management tools.”
The True Digital Twin Concept for Fatigue Re-Assessment of Marine Structures
ASME 2018, 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE, June 2018, Madrid, Spain Authors: Tygesen, U.T., Jepsen, S.J., Vestermark, J., Dollerup, N., Pedersen, A.
State-of-the-Art & Future Directions for Predictive Modelling of Offshore Structure Dynamics
Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. Authors: Tygesen, U.T, Worden, K., Rogers, T., Manson, G., Cross, E.J.
A Bayesian Filtering Approach to Operational Modal Analysis with Recovery of Forcing Signals
ISMA 2018 Conference, Leuven, Belgium Authors: Rogers, T.J., Worden, K., Manson, G., Tygesen, U.T., Cross, E.J.
A Bayesian Non-Parametric Clustering Approach for Semi-Supervised Structural Health
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Journal Authors: Rogers, T.J., Worden, K., Fuentes, R., Dervilis, N., Tygesen, U.T., Cross, E.J.
Digital Transformation by the Implementation of the True Digital Twin Concept & Big Data Technology
Proceedings of Asset Integrity Management - Ageing and Life Extension Conference, November 30 - December 2, 2021, Stavanger, Norway Authors: U. T. Tygesen, E. J. Cross, P. Gardner, K. Worden, B.A. Qadri, T. J. Rogers
Want to know more?
Ursula Smolka
Lead Consultant
+49 1515 8015127