Finance and investment

The urgent connect between economic activities and climate impact drives a new set of obligations and opportunities for the finance sector. At Ramboll, we invest all our expertise in helping the sector become a key accelerator for the green transition.

Guiding financial institutions on sustainable investments

Financial institutions are undergoing rapid change even as they face fierce competition, increased customer demands, and stricter regulations. They must adapt to ESG and sustainability-related legislation while tackling associated risks and business opportunities. Ramboll helps clients mobilise assets and capabilities to succeed in this evolving landscape.

The inclusion of sustainability and ESG criteria in the financial sector create complexity for companies, yet these criteria are essential to address current and future challenges in the financial sector.


Proven track record

We have been involved in hundreds of projects, from analysis, alignment, and reporting to portfolio monitoring, policy development, training, due diligence, and strategy planning, among others.

Multidisciplinary teams of specialists


Ramboll has become a preferred partner for financial institutions due to our multidisciplinary teams of economic, financial, environmental, scientific and engineering specialists that work with clients to define and achieve strategically aligned value creation goals. We guide financial institutions in defining what actually constitutes a sustainable investment, and enable them to measure and track impact based on relevant performance indicators.

Navigating client dilemmas

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    Impact and risk assessment

    We explore wealth creation, green innovation funds, and green loans; assess the risk between climate and environment; as well as evaluate the impact of both existing and anticipated sustainability policy.

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    Sustainable finance

    We help clients navigate the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, the EU Taxonomy and similar initiatives under the EU Green Deal to provide a holistic view on sustainable finance.

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    Triple bottom line

    We guide clients with respect to integrating ESG criteria into their investment decisions and overall operations as well as identify sustainability risks that may affect or impact upon financially driven decisions.

Financial advisory on core topics

  • Investment strategy & KPI selection
  • Portfolio company ESG strategy, action planning and integration
  • Article 8 & 9 fund establishment
  • EU Taxonomy screening and alignment
  • Disclosures & reporting e.g. TCFD, SASB
  • Responsible business conduct & human rights assessment
  • Transactional due diligence and social value measurement
  • Economic & Cost/Benefit Assessment
  • Natural Capital Accounting & Ecosystems Valuation

En­gage with us

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  • Patrick Moloney

    Patrick Moloney

    Director, Strategic Sustainability Consulting

    +45 51 61 66 46

  • Henrik Stener Pedersen

    Henrik Stener Pedersen

    Country Market Director NO

    +45 51 61 81 24