Kiel's most sustainable transport system

A local transport concept for the state capital lays the foundation for high-quality local public transport. It explores if a tram or bus rapid transit system is the better option for the expansion of public transport and how footpaths and cycle paths can optimally complement the traffic flow.
Local transport concept for the state capital Kiel, Germany

Ramboll is developing a local transport concept for the state capital Kiel and laying the foundation for high-quality local public transport with a feasibility study. In Germany's largest mobility project, the aim is, among other things, to investigate whether a tram or a bus rapid transit system is the better option for the expansion of public transport and how footpaths and cycle paths can optimally complement the traffic flow.

Helping to shape the mobility revolution at the political and administrative level

The planning was preceded by a comprehensive public participation process until mid-2020, in which all Kiel residents were called upon to express their wishes and ideas for future mobility. Ramboll accompanied this process with various online formats and on-site events. In addition to information evenings for all political representatives of the Kiel City Council and on-site events in various parts of the city, the team also implemented numerous online participation procedures. Furthermore, Ramboll will communicate the upcoming changes in the transport system to Kiel's urban society in an emotionally tangible way at various city festivals.

German engineering meets Nordic innovation

Ramboll's experienced team of transport planners investigate whether a tram system or a Bus Rapid Transit system is the better option for the expansion of the public transport system. In a formal process, Ramboll establishes clear decision criteria and evaluates the different options. In the process, we compare the systems, for example, in terms of their feasibility, cost-effectiveness, eligibility for funding and sustainability.

We develop and visualise different routes and show how modes of transport can be linked and how operations can be optimised. In this way, Ramboll provides all the basics for a sustainable local transport system that also includes footpaths and cycle paths.

Ramboll's holistic and international know-how takes effect in the project. The project team includes transport planners as well as experts in landscape planning, environmental aspects and public relations. Experts from Helsinki and Kiel's partner city Aarhus are also part of the project team and contribute their expertise from similar projects.

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  • Frode Mo

    Frode Mo

    Global Division Director, Rail Systems

    +47 91 74 23 60

  • Dr. Astrid Könönen

    Dr. Astrid Könönen

    Country Market Director

    +49 40 302020109

  • Nils Jänig

    Nils Jänig


    +49 721 72191549767