Anna Ekdahl
February 26, 2023
Keeping decarbonisation on track in the energy crisis
Many companies have set net zero goals and are gradually switching to green energy. Planning and consumption choices are key to staying the course on decarbonisation through the present energy crisis.
Europe is in a deep and serious energy crisis. After more than 40 years of reliable, predictable energy systems, many have been caught off guard and face mounting costs or the prospect of losing supply entirely. The impact is already being felt and is unlikely to blow over.
One of the most pressing concerns for businesses is what they can do right now to take control of their rising energy costs and find alternatives to natural gas in their energy supply. For energy-intensive industries such as chemicals, glass and metals, this question is increasingly existential. Naturally, industries across Europe are taking all available measures to make it through the current situation with their competitiveness intact. However, these industries should not lose sight of the long-term perspective. By taking the below steps, you could make your plan resilient and sustainable, for your business and for the environment.
1. Prepare your plan B, C and D
Prepare a plan B, C and D for your production and energy supply based on different potential scenarios. The plan should include both short- and long-term perspectives. It needs to be based on a scenario forecast for energy supply and prices and a thorough understanding of your own energy situation with fuel sources, load profiles and energy flows. It should combine production capabilities, storage and logistics with energy efficiency, sourcing, production and storage. You should also identify least-priority systems that can be shut down in case of brownouts and assess your resilience to power dips and deteriorations in electricity quality. Remember also to widen the perspective: Can you build in more flexibility in energy demand to time periods of low electricity price? Could a new energy mix be introduced based on new production techniques? Should you participate in the public debate to influence mitigation measures? Can you include your neighbours in your plan, providing opportunities for heat recovery and storage?
“As in any crisis, it is crucial for business leaders to assess the situation thoroughly and take urgent measures. At the same time, they must keep the long, strategic perspective in view.”
2. If your main challenge is cost, reduce consumption
f you are able to reduce your consumption, it will not only lower your cost and carbon footprint but also increase the likelihood that you can source energy solely from more reliable, renewable sources. Storage technologies are also critically important. Shifting your peak power demand to those hours in the day where energy is cheapest can provide you with much needed flexibility when planning your production and, of course, in decreasing costs. If there are energy efficiency measures you have been putting on hold, now is the time to implement them. Current energy prices can easily cut payback periods to a third compared to one year ago. If you do not have specific measures ready, there are many industry bodies in Europe that have made industry-specific action plans to help guide your efforts.
3. If your main problem is security of supply, find alternative energy sources
e-evaluate your fuel supply and sourcing strategy. Switching from gas to biofuels can be a viable and relatively quick alternative, for instance. In general, electrification of processes and heating can contribute with both flexibility and resilience. Another option is to build your own, local production – such as solar or wind. But in sourcing energy there is also a variety of available options depending on your appetite for risk and sustainability demands. A renewable power purchase agreement with fixed prices can provide much needed prognosis certainty.
As in any crisis, it is crucial for business leaders to assess the situation thoroughly and take urgent measures. At the same time, they must keep the long, strategic perspective in view. If your long-term strategy involves decarbonising and switching to renewable energy to stay competitive – as it should – returning to fossil fuels is not the answer. But already, coal imports to Europe rose by over a third in 2022, with clear climate as well as business impacts. If you are considering making investments to secure the energy supply this winter with coal or diesel, take a step back and look at the whole picture. Ask yourself: can you take a short-term loss for a long-term benefit that future-proofs your company?
Want to know more about energy planning and net zero roadmaps? Contact Anna Ekdahl, Business Development Manager for Energy Intensive Industries at Ramboll.