November 19, 2020

Heavy traffic ahead

How do we secure the quality of our roads when vehicles are becoming increasingly heavier? Introducing Raptor, this new cutting-edge technology is at the forefront of measuring road carrying capacity.

Transport is becoming heavier as regulations on vehicle weights are extended. At the same time, our roads are constantly and more rapidly affected by the ongoing climate changes. These conditions call for a new way of analysing and predicting road quality to secure optimal road conditions. Raptor is a new tool that allows for this analysis and has been acquired by Ramboll.

“With Raptor, we can access the carrying capacity of roads at full speed using modern laser technology. We can expand the data we are already analysing in order to predict the accessibility and conditions of the roads with a sustainable mindset. We will be able to use tax money even wiser,” Peter Ekdahl, Business Area Manager at Ramboll, says.

The Swedish National Plan for the Transport System provides funding for efforts to strengthen road safety, which by 2029 should allow 70-80 percent of the Swedish state roads to be open to trucks weighing more than 74 tonnes. To do so, it is necessary to make sure that the roads can manage the weight. According to an assessment from the Swedish Transport Administration, 10 percent of the state roads need to be strengthened to cope with the heavy vehicles.

“Traditional assessing of which roads are suitable for heavy transport usually requires a lot of time and resources and often becomes just general assessments. We hope to be able to help with more precise measurements that are comprehensive, traffic-safe, reliable and fast and that do not interfere with other traffic. It’s important that we base decisions on facts and put resources where necessary for maximum societal benefit," Peter Ekdahl says.

The Raptor technology can also be used for other purposes, for example, urban planning and assessments of loading areas.

“Raptor is suitable for assessing carrying capacity and maintenance needs. It’s very effective when determining which methods present the best beneficial solutions economically. Data from Raptor can be combined with Waywize to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from traffic,” Ekdahl concludes.

Read more about Waywize here: