April 28, 2020

Office workers unsure about how to protect themselves from corona at work

A new study shows that 61 percent of Danes are in doubt about how to protect themselves from corona infection at work. A new free app from Ramboll offers employees the opportunity to train new office conduct.

As in other countries, many Danes will return to their workplace within the coming month. A new study by YouGov for Ramboll shows that 61 percent of Danes are in doubt about how to protect themselves from infection at work.

Overall, 83 percent of Danes are worried about getting infected at work. Especially in the toilet areas (73 percent), but also in common meeting spaces such as the canteen/coffee machines (72 percent) and when passing each other in the hallways (70 percent). In addition, some 41 percent are concerned about picking up infection when commuting to/from work.

App helps office workers

The Danish engineering, architectural and consulting company Ramboll is working to ensure safe working conditions for employees going back to work. And Ramboll has developed a free English and Danish app designed for people working in offices, including approx. 900,000 Danes:

”It’s only natural that Danes are unsure about how to protect themselves from the coronavirus while in the office, because of course this is a whole new situation for them. And many are afraid they will get infected. So that’s why it’s important that employees can return to work in a safe and healthy atmosphere, says Ib Enevoldsen, Managng Director of Ramboll Denmark, and he continues:

”The app, ’Prevent infection – Offices’ is designed to help the many Danes who are worried about getting infected. Here they can learn about how to best avoid infection, for example in the canteen or at the coffee machines. At Ramboll, we have found that digital learning is the most effective way to change behaviour. And we have used this to help our clients introduce new, safe conduct on building sites, which has reduced the number of work accidents,” says Ib Enevoldsen, Managing Director, Ramboll Denmark.

The app, ‘Prevent infection – Offices’, directs employees through some typical everyday office situations where there can be risk of infection, with training in how to avoid infection in elevators, locker rooms, the bus to and from work, etc. And then they can see if they passed the test.

Digital learning is effective

ISS Facility Services A/S is currently advising clients on how to return to safe office workplaces. That’s why ISS has provided input to the Ramboll app, tested it and has given the idea a thumbs-up.

”We are working to create safe conditions for our employees as they begin the partial return to the office, as well as also advising our clients on the subject and providing guidelines to their employees. Many of our employees have trained the situations in the new app, for example, safe conduct when using the elevator or attending larger meetings. We see it as a positive way to ensure that employees feel secure and continue to stay aware,” says Flemming Bendt, Managing Director, ISS Denmark.

Six good ways to prevent infection in the office:

  1. Stay home if you are sick
  2. Cough in your sleeve or use a paper tissue – not in your hand
  3. Ensure good ventilation in meeting rooms and clean the areas that people touch most
  4. Wash and disinfect your hands, both before you enter the canteen and when you leave it
  5. Stay at least 2 meters away from your colleagues when possible
  6. Remember: No physical contact.
About the study

The study was conducted online by YouGov during the period 24-26 April.

489 employed people in Denmark have replied.

About the app ’Prevent infection – Offices’

The app ’Prevent infection – Offices’ is available on Ramboll’s website in Danish and English.

Ramboll recently developed a similar free app for building sites, ’Prevent infection – Building sites (’ForeBYG Smitte). Ramboll creates 3D training simulation games about occupational safety and sustainable conduct on the building site.