Martina Vosteen

September 6, 2024

Ram­boll ac­quires lead­ing sci­entif­ic con­sultancy SCC

SCC Sci­entif­ic Con­sult­ing Com­pany is now part of Ram­boll and is com­ple­ment­ing and en­han­cing Ram­boll's Health Sci­ences ex­pert­ise, par­tic­u­larly in the areas of agro­chem­ic­als and bior­a­tion­als, biocides, in­dus­tri­al chem­ic­als, and medical devices. Join­ing for­ces, Ram­boll and SCC aim to play a lead­ing role in the European and glob­al product safety and reg­u­lat­ory af­fairs market and en­able their cli­ents to pro­tect biod­iversity and nat­ur­al re­sources through sus­tain­able solu­tions.

Joining forces: Ramboll and SCC
Joining forces – Britta Wesseling (Ramboll), Friedbert Pistel and Florian Pistel (SCC), Martina Vosteen and Andreas Gaigl (Ramboll)

Ramboll strengthens its health sciences practice with the strategic acquisition of SCC. With 160 employees, SCC Scientific Consulting Company is one of the largest private and independent regulatory consultancies in Europe. Headquartered in Germany and with affiliates in Japan and the United Kingdom, SCC supports clients worldwide in the registration of agrochemicals, biocides, chemicals, medical devices and other products to ensure their safe and sustainable use. With the acquisition, Ramboll now has more than 340 experts working across its Health Sciences disciplines.

The strategic acquisition strengthens Ramboll's presence in the agrochemical, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, which face the challenge of providing healthy food and products for a growing population while safeguarding biodiversity and natural resources.

"We are very excited to welcome SCC’s experts to Ramboll. By combining Ramboll's global reach and strong science-based Health Sciences consulting team with SCC's extensive regulatory expertise, we can provide our clients with the best possible support in complex regulatory processes and in the implementation of their stewardship and sustainability programmes. Together, we aspire to lead the way in sustainable product safety and regulatory affairs solutions.”

Martina Vosteen
Director for Ramboll’s global Health Sciences division

SCC’s specialists expand Ramboll's Health Sciences team, which includes experts in epidemiology, toxicology, ecotoxicology, industrial hygiene and safety, exposure science, and risk assessment, paired with in-depth understanding of chemistry and economics. The team is part of Ramboll’s Environment & Health division which comprises more than 3000 experts worldwide, delivering environmental services with an emphasis on sustainable solutions.

„Ramboll and SCC are a perfect match”, says Florian Pistel, Managing Director at SCC. "Ramboll provides a true global platform from which to practice and collaborate, across the Americas, Europe, and APAC. And there is also a good culture fit: We are both value driven, passionate about science-based consulting, and want to deliver the best solutions to our clients.”

“Two major trends shaping the world today are population growth and climate change,“ says Philippa Spence, Managing Director Ramboll Environment & Health. “By 2050, the world is expected to add 3 billion more people who need access to quality and nutritious food. Maintaining the status quo in agriculture and the food value chain is not enough. Agricultural practices that feed people, are climate resilient, and are safe and sustainable are critical to meeting those challenges. SCC’s expertise in supporting seed and pesticide manufacturers with delivering safe and sustainable products, combined with the expertise and global reach of Ramboll’s Health Sciences team, strategically places us to together address these critical challenges.”

About SCC

SCC, founded in 1989 by Dr Friedbert Pistel, has become one of Europe’s largest privately owned and independent regulatory consulting companies, supporting global customers with their registration needs for agrochemicals, biocides, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, consumer products, feed additives, and more. SCC comprises 160 employees and operates out of its headquarters in Bad Kreuznach, near Frankfurt, with additional affiliates in Berlin, Japan, and the UK. SCC serves a global client base with regulatory compliance support in the European Union and in major international markets.

Want to know more?

  • Dr. Martina Vosteen

    Spearhead Director

    +49 89 978970123

    Dr. Martina Vosteen
  • Britta Wesseling

    Country Market Director

    +49 6195 977524

    Britta Wesseling