Founded in Denmark, Ramboll is a foundation-owned people company. We have more than 18,000 experts working across our global operations in 35 countries with thousands of experts working across 70 offices in the Americas. Our experts are leaders in their fields, developing and delivering innovative solutions in diverse markets including Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable future working in an open, collaborative, and empowering company. Combining local experience with global knowledge, we together shape the societies of tomorrow.
Founded in Denmark, Ramboll is a foundation-owned people company. We have more than 18,000 experts working across our global operations in 35 countries with thousands of experts working across 70 offices in the Americas. Our experts are leaders in their fields, developing and delivering innovative solutions in diverse markets including Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable future working in an open, collaborative, and empowering company. Combining local experience with global knowledge, we together shape the societies of tomorrow.
Founded in Denmark, Ramboll is a foundation-owned people company. We have more than 18,000 experts working across our global operations in 35 countries with thousands of experts working across 70 offices in the Americas. Our experts are leaders in their fields, developing and delivering innovative solutions in diverse markets including Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable future working in an open, collaborative, and empowering company. Combining local experience with global knowledge, we together shape the societies of tomorrow.
Founded in Denmark, Ramboll is a foundation-owned people company. We have more than 18,000 experts working across our global operations in 35 countries with thousands of experts working across 70 offices in the Americas. Our experts are leaders in their fields, developing and delivering innovative solutions in diverse markets including Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable future working in an open, collaborative, and empowering company. Combining local experience with global knowledge, we together shape the societies of tomorrow.
Founded in Denmark, Ramboll is a foundation-owned people company. We have more than 18,000 experts working across our global operations in 35 countries with thousands of experts working across 70 offices in the Americas. Our experts are leaders in their fields, developing and delivering innovative solutions in diverse markets including Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable future working in an open, collaborative, and empowering company. Combining local experience with global knowledge, we together shape the societies of tomorrow.
Founded in Denmark, Ramboll is a foundation-owned people company. We have more than 18,000 experts working across our global operations in 35 countries with thousands of experts working across 70 offices in the Americas. Our experts are leaders in their fields, developing and delivering innovative solutions in diverse markets including Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy, and Management Consulting. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable future working in an open, collaborative, and empowering company. Combining local experience with global knowledge, we together shape the societies of tomorrow.
Ramboll South East Europe este parte a Grupului Ramboll, lider internațional în domeniul ingineriei, arhitecturii și consultanței, fondat în Danemarca în anul 1945. Ramboll combină expertiza multi-disciplinară globală cu experiența locală pentru a crea orașe și societăți sustenabile. Prezenți în România din 1992, bazându-ne pe o echipă de peste 100 de experți locali și pe bunele practici și inovarea continuă dezvoltate la nivelului grupului, asistăm cu succes clienții noștri publici și privați în definirea și implementarea strategiilor și soluțiilor care asigură sustenabilitatea de mediu, economică și socială. Suntem dedicați să atingem țintele proprii de performanță sustenabilă și demonstrăm prin acțiunile noastre mottoul nostru Idei briliante. Schimbări sustenabile