Our PhD programme

Ingvild Reine Assmann

Ramboll’s industrial PhD programme, which is supported by the Ramboll Foundation, gives PhD students the opportunity to study relevant topics in our industry, enhancing their expertise, career development, and overall knowledge sharing.

Ingvild Reine Assmann recently completed a PhD project titled: “Driving Toward Circular Business Models: Conditions and Strategies in the Built Environment.” It focuses on how companies in the built environment can create sustainable development and social-ecological resilience through circular business model innovation.

“The results can be used to increase knowledge about how companies operating in the built environment can change from linear to circular business models with a focus on reducing, reusing, recycling, and refurbishing. This can advance circularity practices internally in Ramboll, but also help us bring new knowledge to our clients in these times of necessary transition,” Ingvild says.

Magnus Reffs Kramhøft

Magnus Reffs Kramhøft is working on a PhD project titled “The Tectonics of Sustainable Transformations – Methods for Holistic Circular Adaptive Reuse of Existing Buildings,” which aims to add more knowledge and new perspectives about preserving and transforming existing buildings.

“We have a responsibility to lower negative impact immediately and need new knowledge to change methods, strategies, and practices across the board to push this development. So, it is more important than ever to care for, maintain, and transform our existing buildings. The project will hopefully provide new insights to both Henning Larsen’s and Ramboll’s consultancy practices,” Magnus says.

Learn more about the Ramboll PhD programme on the Ramboll Foundation website

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    Ramboll Annual Report 2023

    Click to download Ramboll’s integrated Annual Report as PDF.


    Financial reporting

    Download the financial reporting from the Annual Report of Ramboll Group A/S.
