Multidisciplinary teamwork for A2A’s ascending new building Trento Tower

Ramboll has joined forces with Citterio-Viel & Partners and several other specialists to undertake the comprehensive engineering design for the New Building Trento Tower situated in Milan, Italy. Ramboll's role includes a variety of consultancies, ranging from structural engineering to sustainability.
Torre Faro A2A Milan Italy. Credits: Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel

The diverse design team is headed by Citterio-Viel & Partners and is supported by a roster of firms including FACES, Ariatta, Metis, AFC, and P’Arc Nouveau. They collectively cover various disciplines necessary for the New Building Trento Tower (NBT) project, ensuring a collaborative approach to the engineering and architectural demands of the venture.

New build and renovation hand in hand

NBT encompasses a notable new office tower, standing at 145 meters tall, and a smaller 4-story structure known as "Stecca." The total area of the proposed structures spans approximately 21,000 square meters, with an additional 7,000 square meters allocated for basement space. The project also includes the renovation of an existing office building, covering 10,000 square meters, and the development of the surrounding landscape.

The development will take place on a 1.6-hectare area next to Viale Isonzo, harnessing the urban fabric of Milan and contributing to its architectural evolution.

The Tower's structural integrity is ensured by a reinforced concrete frame, with a design that allows it to withstand lateral forces using a central core, band beams, and strategically placed diagonal columns. This robust construction is not only functional but also integrates with the Tower's aesthetic by expressing the structure in public spaces.

Below ground, the basement's structure calls for a similar reinforced concrete approach, supported by ground bearing pads and protected by retaining walls that will be constructed by either open cut methods or temporary shoring as necessary.

Strategising for a Sustainable Future

New Building Trento's sustainability strategy extends beyond superficial measures, deeply integrating eco-friendly principles with life cycle cost savings and alignment with A2A's stringent Sustainability Policy.

The strategy's primary objectives include cost-effective sustainable measures, a healthy and high-performance environment for occupants, reduced operational expenses, and a significant decrease in the building's carbon footprint.

The sustainability tactics align with A2A's core principles involving circular economy, decarbonization efforts, and the innovation of networks, services, and people.

At the forefront of sustainable design is the energy and fabric first methodology, prioritising the performance of the building envelope. This ensures that sustainability is not an afterthought but a fundamental aspect of the NBT's design, fostering a balance between environmental responsibility and inhabitant comfort.