April 20, 2022
Proud and dedicated sponsor of the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition
As Gold Sponsor of the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition Ramboll is looking forward to welcoming attendees from all over the world in Copenhagen in September. To help create a memorable event Ramboll will be hosting and supporting a range of sub-events such as the official Young Water Professionals Dinner, the Next Generation Water Action innovation program and an official forum for large water-consuming industries.
The count-down to one of the greatest events ever addressing water and climate change has started! On 11-15 September the global water sector will gather for five days of knowledge-sharing, professional networking and social interaction in in Copenhagen. After two years with no big gatherings because of the pandemic, the organizers – International Water Association (IWA) and the Danish Host Committee - are now expecting record-breaking attendance and hence preparing for a highly engaging and vibrant event.
To help create the ‘event of all events’ Ramboll has signed a gold sponsorship agreement which goes ways beyond typical event sponsorships. Hence Ramboll is heavily involved in several activities and sub-events:
- The Official Young Water Professionals Dinner The future of the global water sector belongs to young talents with bright ideas and out-of-the-box visions. Young Water Professionals is a global network of water talents which is organized under IWA and has local chapters allover the world. Ramboll will be the proud host of the official Young Water Professionals Dinner which will take place Monday 12 September at Ramboll’s Head office nearby the Bella Center congress venue. You can join the dinner if you are below 35 of age by signing up here. Priority will be given to those Young Water Professionals who have registered to attend the WWC&E 2022.
- Next Generation Water Action Innovation Process Next Generation Water Action is a global initiative that engages 100+ young talents from leading universities and early-stage start-ups. DTU Skylab, which is the Innovation Hub of DTU – Technical University of Denmark, together with DTU Environment brings forward a tailored virtual program, that enables the participants to act together with the corporate world, academic & public partners by following an innovation funneling process. The ‘Young Entrepreneurs track’ will take 5 selected water startups on an acceleration journey towards IWA WWC&E where the grande final will be co-hosted by IWA Young Water Professionals Denmark. Ramboll is involved in the initiative as a partner and ‘challenge owner’ of one the challenges that the innovative teams are developing solutions for. This challenge is about coastal resilience in New York City.
- Forum for large water-consuming industries Sustainable industrial water management is highly needed in a world facing significant challenges related to climate change and water scarcity. To extend the scope of the congress and invite industry to join this important conversation, Ramboll has initiated an official forum for large water-consuming industries. The Forum is envisioned as a full-day program starting with a keynote presentation on the IWA main stage followed by three panels, a table-top group discussion and a reception which will all take place on Tuesday the 13th of September. Ramboll is co-planning and hosting this event together with Niras and ATV – the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences.
So, don’t hesitate to register for this great event! Super early bird rates are now available for a limited time, until 15 May, and the entire Ramboll team is looking forward to meeting and interacting with clients, partners, students and scientists in September!