October 28, 2021

1,5°C-Pfad: SBTi bestätigt Rambolls Klimaziele

Die globale Initiative für wissenschaftsbasierte Ziele (Science-Based Targets, SBTi) hat die Ziele von Ramboll zur Reduzierung der Kohlenstoffemissionen im Einklang mit dem Pariser Abkommen bis 2030 genehmigt. Der SBTi bestätigt, dass die Ziele für die Treibhausgasemissionen von Ramboll mit den Reduktionen übereinstimmen, die erforderlich sind, um die globale Erwärmung auf 1,5°C zu begrenzen.

The SBTi confirms the targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from Ramboll’s operations (scopes 1 and 2*) are consistent with reductions required to keep global warming to 1.5°C.

By setting science-based targets, Ramboll commits to an aggressive carbon reduction goal, reinforcing the company’s accountability on climate action and demonstrating climate leadership in the professional services industry.

Michael Simmelsgaard, Chief Operating Officer at Ramboll says: “Today, we are working with leading clients looking to reduce their emissions in areas such as the built environment, infrastructure, and through the green transition. We believe that by setting science-based targets, we are joining the ‘Less talk, more action’ club, and will be finding ways together with our clients to continue to push for the benefit of future generations.”

Why the approved targets are important

Science-based targets provide companies with a roadmap on how much and how fast to reduce their carbon emissions, in pursuit of global net-zero emissions by 2050. The 1.5°C-aligned target is currently the most ambitious designation available through the SBTi process.

The approval of Ramboll’s science-based targets marks a milestone in the company’s ongoing journey to raise climate ambitions and document how it contributes towards reaching the Paris Agreement.

Ramboll’s approved targets also enables the company’s clients to acknowledge Ramboll as a sustainable service provider in their supply chain.

Why Ramboll decided to set science-based targets

Ramboll is founded on sustainability values. It has been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2007 and reported on its sustainability performance through the Communication on Progress. The company’s approach to sustainability is based on accountability and on being able to document its sustainability ambition.

As part of Ramboll’s business strategy, ‘Winning together’, the company set a goal to reduce its carbon footprint by 20% per employee in 2016-2020. The goal was achieved, partly owing to reduced emissions from company travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ramboll then stepped-up its climate ambitions in line with the Paris Agreement by pursuing science-based targets on carbon emissions reduction.

Neel Strøbæk, Senior Group Director, Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, says: “Setting a target that allows us to contribute to limit climate change without limiting our growth ambitions is not a simple exercise. All of Ramboll’s country business units and not least our Facility Management team have been instrumental in driving this home. This approval makes me very proud and demonstrates the change path that Ramboll is on.”

About Ramboll’s Science-Based Targets

Ramboll’s approved carbon emissions reduction targets are described by the SBTi as follows: “Ramboll Group commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 46.2% by 2030 from a 2019 base year. Ramboll Group also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel 27.5% within the same timeframe. Ramboll Group commits that 80% of its suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services will have science-based targets by 2025.

The targets covering greenhouse gas emissions from company operations (scopes 1 and 2) are consistent with reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C.”

*Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organization, while Scope 2 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions from purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling. Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions arise from assets not owned or controlled by an organization, but that the organization indirectly impacts in its value chain.