
Airports are the backbone of the global village, and are increasingly expected to show leadership and results in sustainability. With experience from some of the world’s most iconic airports, Ramboll is at the forefront of this transformation.

Expect more from airports

Airports are central hubs in the global economy. But they are also increasingly expected to address their environmental and carbon footprint – while operating in a challenging post-Covid environment.

For airports to be successful in the future, they need resilient sustainability strategies for both existing and future infrastructure. Ramboll has the capabilities to help airports optimise current and future infrastructure assets and processes to meet tomorrow’s sustainability demands, while optimising the profitability of airport assets

Ramboll’s expertise spans a wide range of consultancy services, from developing strategies for airlines, to designing masterplans for whole airports, consulting on terminal extensions and developing cost-effective maintenance procedures for runways.

: 600+

We have delivered 600+ aviation projects in over 45 countries, encompassing 60 million m2 of airside and landside development. This gives us an in-depth understanding of airport processes, technology infrastructure, and people.

Working in the most demanding climates and complex operational environments


At airports large and small, we have worked in some of the world’s most demanding climates and constrained and complex operational environments. Our work at major airports includes UKairports such as Heathrow and Gatwick, US airports such as Washington DC &Los Angeles, and many others across the world from Russia to India, Africa and South America.

Picture from above of an airport

Ex­plore our fea­tured ser­vices

What we offer

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    Sustainability Strategy and Performance

    We create frameworks to explore and identify benefits, needs and long-term focus areas. We do this through our management competencies in governance, policymaking, socio-economics, and stakeholder management.

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    Our ability to transform innovativeideas into pragmatic, implementable proposals is borne out of an extensive record on urban masterplanningprojects worldwide.

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    Design & Construction

    We bring innovative solutions to life by drawing on our world-class technical expertise within areas such as transport infrastructure, water and energy, low emission buildings, architecture, urban landscaping and design.

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    Operation and Maintenance

    From designing stand and runway layouts to refurbishment and maintenance of airport terminals, we bring innovation to the existing facilities, adapting to the current trends and technologies.

Re­lated in­sights

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En­gage with us

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  • Stefan Wallmann

    Stefan Wallmann

    Global Business Area Managing Director

    +49 30 302020-0