Xavier Le Den, Laura Bowler, Shane Hughes
December 4, 2023
What’s changed in the SBTi building guidance for real estate industry?
The Science Based Targets Initiative recently updated their “pilot” guidance for the building sector, based on feedback from the public. Our experts explore what’s new in the guidance and how it impacts real estate companies looking to set science-based targets.
- Ensure that the guidance, criteria and tools are robust, clear, and practical
- Identify potential challenges for implementing the SBTi Buildings Guidance across regions and business types
- Original Draft Guidance: Companies were required to use location-based accounting for scope 2 emissions
- Public concerns: This prevents companies from relying on renewable energy credits (RECs), green tariffs, and other market-based instruments. In addition, the location-based only accounting approach doesn’t align with other SBTi guidance (which allows either) or the GHG protocol
- Updated “Pilot” Guidance: SBTi will allow either location-based or market-based accounting for scope 2 emissions in target setting. The location-based is still recommended and companies must report using both methods
- Original Draft Guidance: Companies were required to make a commitment not to install fossil-fuel based heating and cooking from 2025 onwards
- Public concerns: The timing of this requirement was too aggressive; 2025 was regarded as too short a deadline for global implementation of this commitment
- Updated “Pilot” Guidance: SBTi has updated the commitment to be “within five years of target submission” or by 2030, whichever is sooner
- Original Draft Guidance: All real estate companies were required to set specific embodied carbon targets using new sector-specific absolute contraction pathways for embodied carbon
- Public concerns: Companies struggle to get good underlying data used for embodied carbon calculations, making it difficult to quantify emissions and track progress. In addition, the pathways had limited granularity and didn’t work for all situations
- Updated “Pilot” Guidance: SBTi has introduced new thresholds for setting embodied carbon targets. Only companies with embodied carbon emissions exceeding 20% of their total emissions (scope 1,2 and 3) need to set a target. In addition, companies can use either the sector-specific guidance or SBTi’s cross-sector methods with 1.5⁰C ambition
Want to know more?
Xavier Le Den
Market Director SSC BE
+32 497 89 83 58
Laura Bowler
Shane Hughes
Carbon Consulting Lead
+44 7890 031732