Product safety and stewardship (PFAS)

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By combining our health science expertise and experience with the increasingly complex PFAS regulatory landscape, Ramboll has assisted clients around the world in developing, implementing, and monitoring PFAS product safety and stewardship programs, including:

  • Screening of raw material/product portfolios and assessing production processes to identify the potential for PFAS to be present in products
  • Identification and analysis of regulatory requirements for the manufacture or sale of products containing PFAS
  • Evaluating the toxicity, persistence and degradation of PFAS in products sold in various markets around the world
  • Assessing exposure to the environment (mass balances, releases to water and air, residuals in articles, including end-of-life assessment)
  • Conducting human health and environmental risk assessments for products manufactured or treated with PFAS
  • Evaluating potential alternatives to PFAS in products through comparative hazard assessments
  • Technical support in dialog and negotiations between regulatory agencies and product manufacturers or distributors (e.g. calls for evidence, public consultations)

Fea­tured pro­jects