Water and wastewater treatment

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Water recycling on sewage treatment station; Shutterstock ID 78996031; purchase_order: Nathalie Parry PFAS

Ramboll takes a holistic approach to understanding and reducing PFAS discharges--from planning, permitting and treatability evaluations, to engineering and treatment plant construction, and operations and maintenance. Our services include:

  • Treatability studies evaluating specific PFAS removal efficacies for commercially available treatment technologies
  • Consulting, design, and construction services targeting PFAS removal in groundwater and surface water supplies
  • Developing and implementing PFAS discharge reduction programs including permit support, technology evaluations, treatability studies, engineering and construction management for a wide variety of industrial sectors
  • Landfill leachate PFAS treatment strategy and implementation including technology evaluations, treatability studies, engineering, and construction
  • Consulting, treatability investigations and engineering services to support municipal wastewater treatment facilities in reducing PFAS discharged to the environment
  • Storm water PFAS reduction treatment technology evaluations and preliminary engineering
  • Developing and implementing PFAS sampling programs

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