Expert services and litigation support

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Ramboll’s senior staff are called upon to participate in expert and peer review panels convened by scientific organizations and regulatory agencies, reflecting our reputation as thought leaders over a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines. This expertise is also recognized by clients involved in environmental litigation, including PFAS-related disputes. Our expert services on PFAS matters have included:

  • Invited to brief Congress on impacts of proposed regulatory changes for PFAS
  • Convening, supporting and participating in PFAS expert review panels
  • Acting as consulting and/or testifying experts on PFAS claims involving cost allocation, cost recovery, natural resource damages, class actions, toxic torts, and product liability
  • Arbitration, mediation, and negotiated settlement support
  • Assistance on insurance cost recovery litigation involving PFAS
  • Expert testimony regarding PFAS toxicity, fate and transport in the environment, potential for human exposure, site investigation/remediation and reasonable and appropriate levels of response in addressing PFAS contamination
  • Evaluation and expert review of PFAS investigation and remediation completed by other consultants

Fea­tured pro­jects